Total Health Partners
Total Health Partners (THP) (2012-15) was an initiative in Prince George’s County (PGC), Maryland, that combined two projects, a linkage to care project funded by Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Fund at East Bay Community Foundation and a retention in care project funded by AIDS United, M.A.C. AIDS Fund, and Washington AIDS Partnership.
This is a sunset initiative (no longer active).
The effort was a partnership with:
- Heart to Hand Inc., a community-based organization
- Greater Baden Medical Services, a Federally Qualified Health Center
- University of Maryland Prevention Research Center
- Prince George’s Hospital – Glenridge Clinic (Dimensions Health System)
IPHI employed five community health workers (CHWs) in PGC who pursued various short-term activities. The CHWs typically worked 6 – 12 months or until program participants were fully engaged in HIV care. Total Health Partners CHWs:
- Found people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who were not receiving medical care;
- Built peer-based trust and provided information about living with HIV;
- Provided personalized assistance to help PLWHA enter and navigate service systems;
- Supported PLWHA throughout the early part of their care until they became fully engaged in that care; and
- Facilitated linkage to housing and financial wellness training workshops.
The model also incorporated a training series, “My Health, My Life, My Future,” for clients on housing, financial capability, and promotion of mental health and wellness.
To learn more about Total Health Partners, please contact Program Director Abby Charles at [email protected] or 202.747.3512.