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Nourishing Success through School Meals Report

Nourishing Success through School Meals Report

Nourishing Success through School Meals Report

The Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) and partners created this report to improve student health and academic outcomes by identifying and addressing barriers to school meal access in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

The Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) and the Prince George’s County Food Equity Council (FEC) are currently engaging with students, parents, and school leadership to learn about the perceptions and barriers influencing participation in school nutrition. The team would like to partner with the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Food and Nutrition Services to develop and implement strategies to increase school meal participation across the county. The FEC will also leverage other key food and community health partners to expand and execute the identified strategies. The intended impact includes improvements to both student health and academic outcomes, promotion of school wellness, and environmental sustainability. This initiative is funded by Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign.

To download the report, click: here

To view the executive summary of the report and recommendations, click: here