Sponsored by the Institute for Public Health Innovation with support from Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation

For More Information, Contact: IPHI: Communications Director Taya Jarman, APR 202-747-3541 [email protected] MSAV: President & Founder Suzanne O’Connell 540-404-2243 [email protected]
Richmond, VA — The Multiple Sclerosis Alliance of Virginia (MSAV) will host its annual Brian Mason Respite Weekend on September 6-8, 2024. The festival brings respite, education, community, and fun to over 100 individuals and families affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). The event will be held at the W.E. Skelton 4-H Event and Conference Center at Smith Mountain Lake in Wirtz, VA. Thanks to the title sponsors, the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI), with support from Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation, the event will be fully accessible to all attendees with mobility concerns.
For almost two decades, the MSAV Brian Mason Respite Weekend has offered a supportive and vibrant space for those impacted by MS. Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the immune system attacks the protective myelin sheath (a white fatty substance) that covers the nerves. The myelin damage disrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Ultimately, the nerves may deteriorate — a process that’s currently irreversible. MSAV President and Founder Suzanne O’connell said, “The Respite Weekend provides a unique provides a unique opportunity for people living with MS and their families to enjoy entertainment, vendors, exciting prizes, and take a break from the daily challenges that MS can bring.”
Brian Mason of Atlantic Bay Mortgage has sponsored the camp. Motivated by his personal connection to MS, he joined the National MS Society board of trustees after his employee’s son was diagnosed with the disease. Mason’s dedication to the cause has earned him an induction into the National MS Society’s Funding the Mission Hall of Fame.
This year, with IPHI’s sponsorship, the event has embraced the diversity of its attendees and created an environment where everyone can fully participate. As the regional public health institute in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, IPHI’s collaboration underscores its commitment to fostering inclusive and health-promoting environments for the community. “We are incredibly proud to sponsor the Brian Mason Respite Weekend and provide a chance for those affected by MS and their families to feel included, connect with their communities, and take a break,” said IPHI senior program manager Lauren Ruiz.
To learn more about the MSAV Brian Mason Respite Weekend, visit https://msallianceofva.org/programs/annual-respite-camp. For more information about IPHI and its dedication to equitable health opportunities, visit www.institutephi.org
About the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI):
IPHI develops multi-sector partnerships and innovative solutions to improve the public’s health and well-being across the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. IPHI’s work strengthens health systems and policy, enhances conditions that promote health, and builds community capacity to ensure equitable health opportunities. Nationally, IPHI is one of over 40 public health institutes and a member of the National Network of Public Health Institutes. For more information about IPHI, visit: www.institutephi.org, and follow IPHI on Facebook and Twitter @InstitutePHI.
About Multiple Sclerosis Alliance of Virginia (MSAV):
The Multiple Sclerosis Alliance of Virginia (MSAV) is a 100% volunteer 501c3 non-profit serving the Roanoke Valley and surrounding rural areas. The MSAV supports support groups and provides educational and empowering programs and events for anyone whose life has been affected by Multiple Sclerosis, including caregivers, friends, and family. For more information about MSAV, visit: www.msallianceofva.org, and follow MSAV on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RoanokeValleyMSSupportGroup/ or the MSAV Teens & Young Adults Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MSAVYAT.
The Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation provides funds for the project “Utilizing Network Map Technology to Build Community and Simplify Navigation in MS Rural Communities.”
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